Pricing below is listed as a monthly payment which is due by the 10th of every month.
1 Hour a week -$62
1.5 Hours a week- $85
2 Hours a week- $110
2.5 Hours a week- $130
3 Hours a week- $155
3.5 Hours a week- $175
4 Hours a week- $195
Unlimited Hours a week- $215
Registration Fee is $21 or $36 for a family of two or more.
Families of 3 or more receive a 5% discount on tuition.
Any payments received after the 10th of every month will be charged a $15 late fee.
Drop-In classes are $16 per class or $30 for two classes in a row on the same day.
Recital Costume Payments are in 2 installments. First deposit is $30 which is due by Nov 10th . Second deposit is the remainder of the balance which is due by Feb 10th. There is no refund of any payments on costumes at any time even if the dancer drops the class.
There are no refunds on any classes,camps or costumes for any reason.
Little/Big Stars- Hair pulled back into bun. Pink leotard and pink tights. Pink leather ballet slippers. ( no satin slippers). Big stars need black tap shoes as well. Please get elastic bands for tap shoes to help make shoe changes quicker.
Jr Hip-Hop- Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail. Any pants and tops that are easy to move around in. (No Jeans) White Sneakers.
Ballet- Hair must be pulled back into a bun. Black leotard and pink tights. Any colored skirt can be worn. Pink ballet slippers.
Jazz-Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail. Any color leotard or tank with black leggings/shorts. Tan Jazz shoes.
Hip-Hop- Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail. Any pants and tops that are easy to move around in. ( No Jeans) Black Hip-Hop sneakers.
Lyrical- Hair must be pulled back into a bun. Black leotard and pink tights with Black shorts/leggings
Modern-Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail. Any color leotard or tank with black shorts/leggings. No shoes.
Tap- Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail. Any color leotard or tank with black shorts/leggings. Black tap shoes.
Please inform the studio if you will be unable to attend class or late. Make-up classes are available but only in your age range and level. At recital time if you miss more than 2 classes in a month you are required to get a private lesson from your teacher to catch up. Please do your best to be on time for class. It is a distraction to the students and teacher. No refunds or credits for missed classes including snow days.
It is the discretion of the dance teachers on what level your dancer should attend. We will always recommend a level for your dancer. If we feel they are accomplishing things in that level then we will offer to move them up. Age levels for students are based off of 6-9,10-13,14-18. A dancer must turn the next age by Nov in order to move up to the next age bracket.
Closure For Bad Weather
When there is bad weather check our facebook page to see if we are closed.. If it is unsafe for travel we will close the studio. We do not want to put any students in harms way.
The recital is held in June. It is not mandatory but we do ask that you inform the studio that your child will not be performing. It is helpful to the teacher that is choreographing the dance. More information about the recital will come at a closer date. We will have a performance group that will go around to local events and perform for the community. Talk to staff about joining this group.
All payments are due at the beginning of the month. Any payment received after the 10th of every month will be charged a late fee of $15. Any check that was returned while be charged a fee of $10.
There are no refunds for classes that are missed or costumes. There are no refunds if you drop a class. Tuition is based off of the 10 month dance season. Some months there are 5 classes, 4 classes or 3 classes. Tuition is not changed due to the amount of classes that month. There are no refunds on any camps. Camps be made up by attending another camp or an evening class if you can no longer attend the camp for any reason.